If you have been using Infusionsoft for more than a couple of years then you remember Legacy Order Forms. While the new version of order forms gave us some of the options we had been asking for for years (Yay!) they also took away a couple of functions many of us used. One of those functions was the ability to ask for additional information, or add extra fields to the form.
Recently I had a client who needed this feature. So I searched the internet and found the basics on how to make it happen. The use I found explained how to add a checkbox in the footer of your order form to make people agree to Terms of Service. This is valuable but not quite what we were looking for.
So once we had figured out how to add actual content fields to the Infusionsoft order form, I thought it might be useful to other Infusionsoft users. So…I recorded a video (2 actually 🙂 ).
Those videos are below along with a text file containing the code you will need to edit to make this work.
DISCLAIMER: As of today this works. However, Infusionsoft does updates on a regular basis and at some point in the future this may not work quite the same. So please, please, please test your form before you “Go Live” with it to make sure this function works the way you want it to.
Step One: Preparing The Code
- Code File – Right Click To Download To Your Computer
Step Two: Placing The Code On Your Order Form
Did this help you? Share links to your order forms below so I can see how you implemented this option.
Please let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to answer them. Also let me know if there are other Infusionsoft How-Tos you would like to see and I will get them posted for you.