What Disappoints You Most About Trying To Grow Your Business?
[font family=”Tahoma,Geneva,sans-serif” size=”32″ color=”990000″ textshadow=”1″ alignment=”center” weight=”bold” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]“Are You Not Getting The Leads You Want, Trying New Things Every Week, And Feeling Information Overload With All The Bright Shiny Marketing Tactics Out There?”[/font]
You are not alone!With the turn of the economy, so much of what “used” to work just doesn’t work the same anymore when it comes to marketing a business and we turn to the latest new buzz tactics with a hope and a prayer it will be the promised magic bullet.I’ve seen it way too many times…
- Business owners buying program after program, only to end up with a bookshelf full of training and no idea where to start
- Entrepreneurs jumping on the latest “push-button” marketing tactic, spending a small fortune and then wondering why it didn’t work for them
- Small business owners trying everything under the sun and never having a focus or path for their success
- Businesses hiring the snake oil salesman that walks in off the street with their “magic potion” and wasting a ton of their hard earned cash on someone who shouldn’t be allowed to have a computer, let alone use it to market a professional business!
Do any of these sound familiar?
It’s not your fault!
Most of us started our businesses with a dream and a product we loved. The problem is most of us didn’t have the one skill required to create ANY successful business… Marketing!
That’s right. You need marketing plan if you want to succeed in business.
I know when I started my first business, I had no clue. I had no mentors, courses, workshops, or most important… Coaches.
Let me tell you, I learned a LOT by trial and error. Mostly error!
What if you had a custom built Roadmap to give you the exact step-by-step system to get you from Point A to Point B without the need to try to “figure it out”?
There are thousands of ways to market your business. How do you know which are the right tools for you? Without the proper guidance, you don’t!

That’s why
I created the
Rockstar Marketer Protege’ 90 Day Intensive Program
It’s the One-On-One 5 Phase Strategy System to kick your business into high gear and give you an action plan to create a bullet proof marketing plan to weather any economy!
Here’s how it works…
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Where are you now in your business? What’s working and more importantly… what’s not?We’ll discover what your greatest assets are and where the “leaks” are in your business which could be costing you thousands. |

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Short Term Quick Cash – What’s the single most important task which will make a difference to your bottom line?While some marketing tactics will provide great long term growth, they can take time. You need a balance of both fast acting strategies and long term growth strategies.
There are 1000’s of ways you can market your business. From networking to advertising to Internet marketing. We’ll determine the right recipe for your business! |
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“For me the word marketing always froze me up. I thought “I can’t do this, I can’t talk to those people, I don’t know what to say”. And I was going in 50 different directions with whatever marketing plan I had, which wasn’t much. I have so much more focus when I am talking to people. Because I am there to see if they have a problem that I can help them with and if we are a good fit together. And its much less about push, push, push what we do for people and it’s more about helping and for me that’s very relaxing and has helped tremendously.
It’s a HUGE difference. It takes the stress off of you. You stop being inside of yourself and worrying about where the next bit of money is coming from and are more concerned about how you can help them.”
~Colleen Petersen~ |

[banner bannertext=”Social Media Systems” bannersize=”large” bannerno=”3″ style=”BC”]
Social Media is all the rave and all the cool kids are using it as a marketing tool. But, how effective are their efforts? For most, not much at all. Spending all day on Facebook isn’t the answer to the million dollar question.We’ll put a strategic plan in place to grow your presence, increase your customer service, create raving fans and generate leads for your business. All without wasting hours of your life in the “Social NOTworking” space! |
[banner bannertext=”Leverage” bannersize=”large” bannerno=”4″ style=”BC”]
It’s time to scale up for exponential growth. Business growth and success is all about leverage. You only have 24 hours in a day.We’ll work together to work on a system to leverage your time, efforts and sales force.
Once we’re done, you’ll have a plan to make more money, get more done and increase your sales while spending less time doing so! |
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Systems are the key to any successful business. Think about the most successful franchises out there. They don’t focus on the best food or hiring the brightest employees. They focus on having systems that will automate and scale to grow their businesses. |

Once you have the systems in place, you can replicate your efforts and grow at an exponential rate!
This 90 Intensive program is designed specifically to help you get the systems in place to turn your business into a well oiled machine!

- 5 – 90 Minute Strategy “Phase” Coaching Calls
- 6 – 60 Minute Support/Success Accountability Calls
- Your own personalized Marketing Plan and Step-By-Step System
- Additional Marketing Tips and Resources The Help Your Success
- 90 Days Email Support to review your progress, help you if you get stuck and give you access to my resources, and connections.
The Small Business Marketing Roadmap will help you lay the foundations to all your marketing tactics and strategies for your business AND give you the exact plan you need to enhance all your other marketing efforts for your business!
[flowplayer src=’https://s3.amazonaws.com/ymu-testimonials/donnitaparker/donnita-testimonial.mp4′ width=510 height=304 splash=’https://s3.amazonaws.com/ymu-testimonials/donnitaparker/FirstFrame.png’]
*** Additional Bonus! ***
By signing up for the 90 Day Rockstar Marketer Protege’ Program, I’ll also include an annual membership to our elite Your Marketing University Gold Coaching program!Get monthly access to additional training from some the the worlds best marketers like:
- Jill Lublin
- Therese Skelly
- Angel Tuccy & Eric Reamer (The Experience Pros)
- Arvee Robinson
- …and many more!
Online community to share our successes and ask questions. Additional training videos, webinars, teleseminars and resources!
$564 Value
Included as a Rockstar Marketer Protege’
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“Wow! Ely just blew me away. I’ve worked with Ely before as his business coach, but the tables turned recently! I knew the ‘big picture’ of what Ely and his company did and really respected that, so when I was switching over to Infusionsoft and Ely offered to sit down and give me some ideas, little did I know that it would turn into a session that made my jaw drop!
Not only did Ely give me the most amazing marketing map, he was able to teach me how to think about my business in a new way. This is funny because I’m a pretty good marketer, but Ely showed me tons of things that I wasn’t doing and ways to improve my results.
You owe it to yourself to have a conversation with Ely. His base of knowledge about what’s CURRENT and RESEARCH-BASED marketing tactics is astounding. Thanks again Ely!
Therese Skelly Mindset Mentor and Business Strategist www.HappyinBusiness.com |
Once you have followed this system from start to finish, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to know exactly how to implement any future marketing tactics you want at lightning speed!
It’s all about building the system!
Want A Taste Of How Exactly Marketing Coaching Works?
Fill out the form below for a 100% Free 30 Minute Marketing Ramp-Up Coaching Call!
We will get on the phone and have a 30 minute coaching session geared specifically to you and YOUR business. I guarantee you will get (at least) 1-2 things from this coaching call that you can implement in your business right away…and I am doing these calls 100% FREE
Reserve your spot right now and get the coaching you need to skyrocket your marketing!
Yes! I want to have Ely personally coach me and help me build an automated marketing system which will turn me into a Marketing Rockstar!
- I agree I want to take control of my marketing!
- I am serious about the success of my business!
- I am willing to do the work and learn the skills to be a Rockstar!
- I am dedicated to my success and want to make this year the best one ever!
- Yes, I want to be one of the limited few ready to kickstart my business into high gear!
Claim Your Free Ramp-Up Session Today!