Blogging, Videos, Speaking, Interviews… In today’s fast paced instant content world, we have hundreds of avenues to get our message out there. But that do you say?
When it comes to marketing your business, top of mind and word of mouth rule all. But, when it comes time to actually share our great amount if information, so many people blank out. They don’t know what to say.
- Do you use Facebook for grow your list for business but have a hard time posting things that people really care about?
- Does your website show that’s last been updated in 2008?
- Would you like the opportunity to be interviewed on TV and radio but aren’t sure what you to talk about?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you’re not alone.
I’ve written for up to 5 blogs a month, create weekly videos, run my own weekly podcast, teach 3 classes every week, have contributed to several magazines and am interviewed regularly for teleseminars and radio shows.
The biggest question I get asked is…
“How do you come up with all that stuff to say!”
What you need is a system to create unlimited Topics and ideas for your content.
Online AND offline, “Content Is King” and having a consistent flow of content
is what people want to see.
With it you have the ability to Manufacture Fame for your business and yourself.
Celebrities are made, not lucky!
With the right media, message and a steady stream of visibility, (AKA content) you can create your own celebrity status and become known as the trusted source in your industry.
You BECOME the expert.
How would you like to have a never ending supply of topics to talk about at any given time without ever having writer’s block again?
We’re not just talking about writing an article here either!
Content comes in many different forms.
- Articles
- Videos
- Guest blog posts
- Radio Interviews
- Teleseminars
- Webinars
- Social media posts
- Newspaper articles
- and the list goes on!
When it comes to marketing the one with the biggest reputation and credibility wins. How would you like to have something ready for any (or all) of these mediums at the drop of a hat?
When you have a system for creating content quickly and effortlessly, that’s what you end up with!
Unlimited Content Creation
Your step – by step system to creating a never-ending supply of topics, ticks, tricks and resources to share with your audience and become the known expert in your industry
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin
Create a never ending supply of ideas
Every idea needs a storage place until it’s time to make it come to life. What if you had one place that you could look and at a glance and see all the great ideas you’ve come up with. You’re creative juices will be flowing in no time!
Tools to store your ideas.
Ever had a great idea for an article or video only to forget all about it when you stopped to create it? Thousands of great ideas are lost every day because they aren’t stored some place until they are ready to be acted on. What if you had one central location to store all your ideas and at one glance come back to that great idea to get your creative juices flowing?
One exercise and two questions to ask yourself that will generate 6 months of content for your weekly newsletter or blog in a matter of minutes.
Do you have a newsletter or blog that doesn’t get the love it should currently? What if you’re just starting out and don’t know where to start? We’ll this one exercise will give you 6 months worth of content ideas in a matter or minutes. In fact, the last time I did this exercise with a client, she came up with 52 ideas in a matter of about 10 minutes.
How do you manufacture trust with your prospects in a short amount of time?
In today’s world, more than ever, people have a hard time trusting others. They are more careful wit the people they work with. So what if you could speed up the trust factor with them and show you really care about them and are the best, without having to wait months for it to happen?
I’ll show you how to build the “KLT Factor” (Know Like Trust) with the content you share with the world.
5 Step to Authority
What makes you different from the next person selling your type of products or services? Authority! Are you known as the expert? If not, you’ll discover how to tackle the 5 step steps and get your content to make a difference to your audience. If so, what would it be like to become 10 more influential? Would that hep you make more sales?
How you can leverage your content to a whole new audience and make an even bigger impact without having to re-invent the wheel.
I’ll show you how you can re-purpose your content for multiple places without making it look like you only have a couple of things to talk about. People learn in different ways. By having your content in multiple formats, you get your message out in more places, to more people and without near as much work.
Here’s what you will discover in this video training program:
- The easiest and fastest tools to keep track of your content ideas
- The two questions you should ask yourself to jumpstart your content creation
- How to get 6-12 months of newsletters done in a day
- How to re-purpose your content over and over without looking like you’re just recycling old stuff
- How to get new content ideas delivered to your inbox each and every day so you don’t have to do any research
- and much, much more…
Cheat Sheets, Fill In The Blank Templates and Mindmaps
These resources will give you the boost you need to build your content creation system in a day. Save yourself hours of time by not starting from scratch and just following the step by step system with these time saving documents!
Yes! I want to create unlimited content for my blog post, articles, podcasts and more… AND become THE Authority in my industry!
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Instant Access – Even at 2:00am
All Major Credit Cards Accepted
Order 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week
P.S. Remember that fame can be”created” and once you order, you’ll have instant access to the tools, templates and systems to create the fame that will keep your products and services in front of more of your prospects and customers!